GMOs And Gut Health

GMOs And Gut Health

GMOs (genetically modified organisms) have genes from another species transplanted into their DNA. This is done to increase production or yield or add some other trait not usually seen in the organism. So far, the organisms experimented with have been mainly plants,...
Essential Oils And Gut Health

Essential Oils And Gut Health

We usually think of using essential oils for their marvelous fragrance or as a spa treatment. But essential oils have been used as medicine as well for thousands of years. It is important to distinguish between essential and fragrance oils. Fragrance oils are...
Whole Grains: Are They Still Good For You?

Whole Grains: Are They Still Good For You?

For years, we’ve been taught that eating whole grain foods – from bread to pasta – builds good health. We also learned that whole grains are a lot better than refined versions: they contain more vitamins and a lot more beneficial fiber. Many would...
Healthy Breakfast Ideas Your Kids Will Love

Healthy Breakfast Ideas Your Kids Will Love

Kids can be picky eaters; there’s no getting around it. And while it’s tempting to go for an easy fix and just give them a bowl of Fruit Loops every morning, you know it’s not going to do their health any favors. Cereals are highly processed and they...
How To Eat Healthy On A Budget

How To Eat Healthy On A Budget

Many people have the misconception that healthy eating means having to spend a lot of money on fresh, nutritious foods. This is not true! While the thought of preparing delicious, healthy meals on a limited budget seems challenging, it doesn’t mean you will have...